The Nicolaus Copernicus is the person widely described in many publications. His manuscripts as well copies of documents which originals were lost during history were studied by together by the staff of the Centre for Copernican Study of the Institute for the History of Science, Education and Technology of the Polish Academy of Sciences and published in "Nicholas Copernicus Complete Works" Vol. I - IV. The library of Copernicus which is owned by the University Library in Uppsala was a subject numerous studies and researches. One of the newest scientific descriptions is study by Pawel Czartoryski, The Library of Copernicus, Studia Copernicana XVI, 1978 . In our catalogue weplaced the books which according to P. Czartoryski were owned by Copernicus or were annotated by him. Copernicus was an inspiring theme for many artists. Description of statues and epitaphs existing in Poland is an introduction to the catalogue of works of art.The catalogue is closed by a list of works of modern art. which are collection of Nicolas Copernicus Museum in Frombork. This Catalogue is far from exhaustive list of many ways in which Copernicus was represented. We thank to all of Libraries and Museums wchich make their collections allowable for studies. |