Anonymous author of a portrait EPITAPH OF N. COPERNICUS FOUNDED BY MELCHIOR PIRNESIUS (1526-1589) End of XVI c. SS. John basilica in Torun All 192 x 117 cm; picture : an oak table, oil 95 x 80 cm Epitaph compounds of a picture and its framing shaped into architectural structure. On the picture an image of the Copernicus’ torso, turned left with the hands joined for prayer. Inscription below a poem by Nicodem Frischlin (1547-1590). Framing and socle of the epitaph filled with inscriptions.
W. Rojewski N. COPERNICUS BUST Second half of the XVIII c. SS. John basilica in Torun Marble Placed below the N. Copernicus’ epitaph in 1809
Christian Friedrich Tieck THE NICOLAUS COPERNICUS STATUE IN TORUŃ 1850, Fischer’s bell-foundry in Berlin Toruń, a square near to the east south corner of the town hall Bronze, 260 cm. A standing figure holding an armillary sphere in the left hand and showing the sky the other one. Wearing an ancient toga. Inscription on the socle: "Nicolaus Copernicus Torunensis Terrae motor, Solis Caelique stator."
Bertel Thorwaldsen THE NICHOLAS COPERNICUS’ STATUE IN WARSAW 1830. Warsaw, Krakowskie Przedmieście Bronze Unknown EPITAPH OF NICOLAUS COPERNICUS IN FROMBORK 1760 Frombork, Holy Virgin Mary and St Andrew basilica Marble, steel sheet - 200 x 92 cm The rectangular inscription plate made of black marble, topped with a tondo with the N. Copernicus’ portrait on a steel sheet. Founded by the Varmia Chapter. Jan Nepomucen Galli according to the project of the priest Sebastian Sierakowski STATUE OF N. COPERNICUS 1822, Cracow, St Ann church Bronze The Copernicu’s bust next to the Uranya holding a shield with the constellation “The Sobiesky’s shield”
Mieczyslaw Welter STATUE OF N. COPERNICUS 1973 Frombork, next to the Cathedral Hill Bronze
Unknown „COPERNIC” ca. half of XIX c. The Kornik Library of the Polish Academy of Sciences, museum collection, cat. no. MK 3529 Painting on canvas glued on the glass, miniature, - tondo with diam. 11 cm Bust turned into left, face with a moustache, double chain on the chest
Friedrich Kloss NICOLAUS COPERNICUS Lidzbark Warmiński, 1784 The Kornik Library of the Polish Academy of Sciences, museum collection, cat. no. MK 3411 Oil on canvas, oval: 70,5 x 61 cm Bust turned into the left, beside sketched outline of the celestial globe. Painting is one of the series of portraits of outstanding Polish personages painted for the bishop Ignacy Krasicki
Jan Gładysz (ok. 1762-1830) NICOLAUS COPERNICUS 1810 The Kornik Library of the Polish Academy of Sciences, museum collection, cat. no. MK 3468 Oil on canvas, size 117 x 74 cm Sitting figure turned into left with the canonry insignia of rank on the breast, with a drawing of the heliocentric system lying on his knees and a lunette (!) in his left hand. Beside standing a celestial globe, in the background a sun-dial and gleam of the sunset on the horizon. Painting was ordered by Rose rector of the grammar-school in Płock for an astronomical observatory of his own project. Karl Młodnicki(1835 1900) COPERNICUS ON A DEATHBED 1890 The National Museum of Wrocław, VIII 2364 Oil on canvas, 34 x 41,5 cm
Jan Matejko COPERNICUS ASTRONOMER OR TALK TO GOD. 1873, Cracow The Jagiellonian University Museum in Cracow, inv. no 2715-851/I Oil, canvas 225 x 315 cm Painting made on occasion of 400 anniversary of Copernicus’ birth. H. Levitoux. was a model for Copernicus’ figure. Signature on the left side in the middle Jan Matejko / 19 lutego 1873.
Jan Matejko SKETCH TO THE PAINTING "COPERNICUS ASTRONOMER OR TALK TO GOD " 1871, Cracow The National Museum of Cracow, Jan Matejko’s house, inv. no IX/25 Oil, cardboard 41,5 x 52,5
Jan Matejko INFLUENCE OF UNIVERSITY ON THE NATION IN XV C.- NEW IDEAS HUSSITISM AND HUMANISM 1888, Cracow The National Museum of Warsaw, inv. no. MP 5059 MNW5. Mahogany board 69 x 116 cm Leading scholars of XV c. were grouped by Jan Matejko on the gothic yard of the Jagiellonian Library (including those who could not meet each other). In the distance on the right side dominates Copernicus’ figure with hands upraised high and keeping an astronomical model in his right hand.
Jan Matejko INFLUENCE OF UNIVERSITY ON THE NATION IN XV C. ?, Cracow The Jagiellonian University Museum in Cracow, inv. no 2716 - 852/I Oil, canvas, 245 x 345 cm Description : detailed differences from above mentioned
Anonymous author, northern Germany work SO CALLED “GRAMMAR-SCHOOL” PORTRAIT OF NICHOLAS COPERNICUS Second half of XVI c. The Regional Museum in Torun. inv. no MT/AD/217 Oak board, distemper, oil , 51 x 41,5 cm
Aleksander Lesser DEATH OF N. COPERNICUS Ca. 1873 The Regional Museum in Torun. inv. no MT/MK/146 Oil , canvas 43 x 52,5 cm Walery Eliasz Radzikowski DEATH OF N. COPERNICUS 1869 The Regional Museum in Torun. inv. no MT/S/315 Oil , canvas 51 x 41 cm
Leonard Torwirt (1911-1967) COPY OF GRAMMAR-SCHOOL PORTRAIT OF N. COPERNICUS 1964 The Regional Museum in Torun. inv. no MT/MK/108 Distemper on wood, 51,5 x 41,5 cm
Władysław Barwicki N. COPERNICUS AND HIS PREDECESSORS AND SUCCESSORS 1892 The Regional Museum in Torun. inv. no? Water-colour, cartoon, 62,5 x 87,2 cm
Nora Zinck COPY OF SO CALLED GOLUCHOWSKI PORTRAIT OF N. COPERNICUS Poland, Poznan,1944 The National Museum in Warsaw, inv. no 190310 Oil on board 42,5 x 30 cm So called Goluchowski portrait was owned by Czartoryski family in Goluchow. In 1939 moved into Poznan, currently lost.
H. Uziembło (1879-1949) STATUE OF COPERNICUS ON THE COLLEGIUM MAIUS YARD Before 1949, Cracow The Jagiellonian University Museum, 17241-3015/II Paper, water-colours 50 x 35 cm within frame, 55 x 47 cm including frame
H. Kostecka w/g M. Stachowicza NICOLAUS COPERNICUS 1961, Cracow The Jagiellonian University Museum, 11329-2321/II Cartoon, water-colours, crayon, 50 x 35,3 cm In the rim description: Nicolaus-Copernicus Astro: obserwator 1473-1543
Antoni Gramatyka (1841-1922) NICOLAUS COPERNICUS IN HIS STUDY 1900, Cracow The Jagiellonian University Museum, 5460-1044/I Oil on canvas 160 x 200 cm
Unknown PORTRAIT OF NICHOLAS COPERNICUS THE FATHER XVII c. The Jagiellonian University Museum, 6560-372/I Oil on canvas, 60 x 47 cm Ordered by Jan Brożek
Jan Kanty Wojnarowski PORTRAIT OF NICOLAUS COPERNICUS XIX c. The Jagiellonian University Museum, 2004-315/I Oil on cardboard 12,5 x 9,5 cm
Unknown PORTRAIT OF NICOLAUS COPERNICUS XVII w. The Jagiellonian University Museum, 1974-269/I Oil, canvas 39,5 x 28 cm
Unknown PORTRAIT OF NICHOLAS COPERNICUS Ca. 1920 The Jagiellonian University Museum, 7535-1181/I Oil, canvas on cardboard
Ludwik Stasiak PORTRAIT OF NICOLAUS COPERNICUS Ca. 1910, Cracow The Jagiellonian University Museum, 2819-977/I Oil on cardboard 83 x 59 cm
Zdzisław Pabisiak PORTRAIT OF YOUNG COPERNICUS Ca. 1958, Cracow The Jagiellonian University Museum, 1806-43/I Oil, board, 67 x 49 cm
Agnieszka Chojkowska - Sawicka PORTRAIT OF N. COPERNICUS- COPY AFTER XVIII C. PICTURE 1982, Cracow The Jagiellonian University Museum, 14285-1226/I Oil, canvas, 64 x 47,5 cm
Romuald Reguła COPERNICUS AND HIS IDEA 1973, Cracow The Jagiellonian University Museum, 5479-1088/I Oil, canvas 140 x 91 cm
Unknown PORTRAIT OF N. COPERNICUS- COPY AFTER TORUNIAN PORTRAIT End of XVIII c. The Varmia and Mazury Museum in Olsztyn, inv. no MNO 515 OMO Oil, canvas, 58 x 42 cm
Leonard Torwirt PORTRAIT OF N. COPERNICUS 1955 The Varmia and Mazury Museum in Olsztyn, inv. no MNO 497 OMO Oil, canvas, 50,8 x 40,3 cm
Johann Christoph von Reinsperger (1711-1777) after Johann Justin Preissler (1698-1771) FRONT PAGE: ATLAS COELESTIS/ STUDIO ET LABORE JOH. GABRIELIS DOPPERMAIERI MATH. P.P./ IMPENSIS HEREDUM HOMANNIANORUM NORIBERGAE(!) 1742 Nurnmberg, 1742 The Kornik Library of the Polish Academy of Sciences, collection of graphics, cat. no. C XIII 1658 Copperplate, 51,7 x 31 cm In the middle a celestial globe beside four astronomers: Claudius Ptolemy, Nicolaus Copernicus, John Keppler and Tycho de Brahe. In the background palms, two sphinx and view of the town. In the upper part puttos open sheets with drawings of the heliocentric system. Below the scene astronomical instruments. Unknown "NICOLAUS COPERNICUS PATER NICOLAI COPERNICI ASTROLOGIAE UNIUS MIRACULI NATI 1473 19 FEBRUARY" Cracow (in the Lithography of Piotr Wyszkowski), 1830 The Kornik Library of the Polish Academy of Sciences, collection of graphics, cat. no. A XIV 1084 Lithograph, 14,4 x 10,6 cm Figure of Nicolaus Copernicus father of the astronomer on his knees. In the distance appears the Virgin Marry with the Christ-Child, shields at the corners. Below inscription: "Des Hern Docter Nicolai Koppernick Thumber und Astronim zur Frauenburg/ Seines Seligen Vaters auch Nicolaus Koppernick genant seine Gestalt/ IOANNES BROSCIUS CURXELOVIENS DEPINGI CURAVIT/ TORUNII/ATO HIC REPOSUIT
Antoni Oleszczyński (1794-1879) HEADPIECE OF AN OCCASIONAL PRINT OF JUBILEE OF 300 TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE DEATH OF COPERNICUS CELEBRATED IN WARSAW IN 1843. Paris, ca. 1843 The Kornik Library of the Polish Academy of Sciences, collection of graphics, cat. no. B XV 1046 Woodcut, 45,6 x 29,9 cm At the top of the headpiece three features: a. Maison à Thorn où est né Kopernic, 1473, sc. Simon after Adam Piliński b. Statue de Kopernik, érigée à Varsovie en 1829, A.Oleszczyński c. Maison à Fraenbourg, où mourut Kopernic, 1543, sc. Simon after Adama Piliński Antoni Oleszczyński (1794-1879) after Ferdynand D. Chotomski (1797-1880) VIEW OF THE COPERNICUS HOUSE IN FROMBORK, TITLED: "WIDOK DOMU W FRAUENBURGU ZAMIESZKAŁEGO NIEGDYŚ PRZES ZNAKOMITEGO ZIOMKA NASZEGO KOPERNIKA...”. Paris, (L. Martinet), 1836 The Kornik Library of the Polish Academy of Sciences, collection of graphics, cat. no. A XXXVIII 2830 Graphics out of : Rozmaitości polskie /Polish miscellany/ published by A. Oleszczyński (French edition: Variété polonaises Paris 1832). Below the view an explanation in French.
Antoni Oleszczyński (1794-1879) „NIC. COPERNIK/ NATUS THORUNII IN POLONIA 1473 CASIMIRO IV IOG: REGNANTE/ OB.: FROUVENBURGIAE/ 1543” Paris, (Drouart), 1843 The Kornik Library of the Polish Academy of Sciences, collection of graphics, cat. no. C I 17 Torso in profile turned into the left side (in a fact likeness of Johann Stöffler) after XVII-th graphics by B. Moncornet, the signs of the zodiac in the background; beside the inscription: EX AUTHENTICO PROTOTIPO ERAS [mi] REINHOLDI, F[ECIT]. A[ntoni]. OLESZ [czyński] P[olonus]. A frame with the figures of polish personages connected to Copernicus and its work, as well explanatory inscriptions. At the bottom nine various images of Copernicus.
Oleszczyński Anthony after Reinhold Erasm NICHOLAS COPERNICUS (1473-1543). ASTRONOMER AND ITS 9 OTHER PORTRAITS AS WELL PORTRAITS OF PERSON CONNECTED TO HIM. Paris, 1855 The Library of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences and the Polish Academy of Sciences in Cracow, top. POL II cat. 008396 steel engraving : 39,7 x 30,1 cm The main portraits represents by mistake Johann Stoeffler. In the lower part inscription: Nic. Copernicus Natus Thorunii in Polonia 1473 and other ones.
Oleszczyński (1794-1879) 2. PICTURE ON OCCASION OF 300 TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE N. COPERNICUS DEATH AND HIS WORK "DE REVOLUTIONIBUS" Before 1853, Paris The Jagiellonian University Museum, 10569-1820/II Test print, steel engraving 51 x 36,2 cm, paper
Antoni Oleszczyński PORTRAIT OF NICHOLAS COPERNICUS [IN A FACT OF J. STOFFLER] 1843 r. The Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork MF / G / 137; MF / G / 146; MF / G / 150 Paper, steel engraving; 40 x 30 cm Oval portrait surrounded by figures of astronomers and scholars of different epochs, below in the lower part of the main engraving a series of Copernicus’ portraits after the most known artists.
A. Oleszczyński PORTRAIT OF N. COPERNICUS 1855, Paris The Jagiellonian University Museum, 6227-5/II Paper , steel engraving, 54 x 42 cm Fabian Sarnecki (1800-1894) UNTITLED Poznań, no year The Kornik Library of the Polish Academy of Sciences, collection of graphics, cat. no. AO VII 654 Pencil on the tracing paper, 12,3 x 16,8 cm Sitting Copernicus seen from the front leaning against a globe, holding a drawing on his knees and a trammel in his right hand.
J.G. MIKOLAY KOPERNIK Warsaw, 1826 The Kornik Library of the Polish Academy of Sciences, collection of graphics, cat. no. B XI 801 Lithograph, 43,4 x 29,4 cm Copernicus bust turned ¾ to right, model of heliocentric system kept in the left hand.
Unknown "IN MEMORY OF 400 ANNIVERSARY OF NICOLAUS COPERNICUS’ BIRTHDAY CELEBRATED THANKS TO EFFORT AND EXPENDITURE OF THE COUNCIL OF CITY CRACOW” Cracow, (Lit. J. Brydak and I. Bielikiewicz), 1873 The Kornik Library of the Polish Academy of Sciences, collection of graphics, cat. no. B XV 1045 Lithograph, 43,5 x 35,4 cm In the upper part image of Nicholas Copernicus after Jan Matejko. Below astronomer’s biography. At the back “Order of ceremony of 400-th birthday celebrated in Cracow on 18-20th February 1873.”
Tadeusz Cieślewski Syn (1895-1944) "NICOLAUS COPERNICUS" Warsaw, 1943 The Kornik Library of the Polish Academy of Sciences, collection of graphics, cat. no. B XXXIX 1845 Woodcut, 21,9 x 14 cm (sheet 28,2 x 19 cm) Figure of Copernicus with a book and a trammel, the heliocentric system in the background, below view of Torun and a book. M-me Lesueur wg Ferdinanda Sébastiana Vernier "STATUE DE KOPERNIK À WARSOVIE/ EST'ATUA DE COPERNICO EN VARSOVIE" Paris, 1840 The Kornik Library of the Polish Academy of Sciences, collection of graphics, cat. no. A XIV 1085 Steel engraving, plate. 13,9 x 9 cm (sheet 21,7 x 13,8 cm) Copernicus’ statue by B. Thorwaldsen in Warsaw. The astronomer in profile turned into right, out of : Ch. Foster, Pologne, Paris, issued after 1840 before 1871, tab. 46.
M. Lesseur after picture by Vernier STATUE TO NICOLAUS COPERNICUS IN WARSAW 1840 The Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork MF / G / 9 Paper, steel engraving ; 17,7 x 11,3 cm
Liesueur after Vertiera STATUE TO NICOLAUS COPERNICUS IN WARSAW [STATUE DE KOPERNIK A VARSOVIE] 1840 r., Paris The Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork MF/ G / 240; MF / G / 245 Paper, steel engraving; 20 x 12 cm Balthasar Moncornet (ca. 1600-1668) I. Mittannour Chamahista (?), "DOMNUS [!] NICOLAUS COPERNICUS, SACERDOS, CANONICUS/ REGULARIS, ASTRONOMORUM KORYPHAEUS" (IN A FACT LIKENESS OF JOHANN STOEFFLER) Before 1668 The Kornik Library of the Polish Academy of Sciences, collection of graphics, cat. no. A XXVI 2185 Copperplate, 15,6 x 11,5 cm Torso in a profile into the left side in the oval-shaped frame, inscription on the level of the mouth: "Spes mea in Deo Jesu". In the upper part a picture of heliocentric system, below tree crossed torches, the bishop’s cross on the other side. At the bottom inscription: „Ex Authentico Prototypo Erasmi Reinholdi, Copernic, Trutinat Terrae, Lunae que Labores,/ Sidereas Monstrat Pausas, Abstrusa que Pandit. Faciebat I. Mittannour Chamahista Moncornet Excudit”. Engraving after supposedly authentic portrait of N. Copernicus which was owned by German astronomer Erasm Reinhold. Unknown "DOMNUS (!) NICOLAUS COPERNICUS, SACERDOS, CANONICUS/ REGULARIS, ASTRONOMORUM KORYPHAEUS" (IN A FACT LIKENESS OF JOHANN STOEFFLER) Second half of XVII. The Kornik Library of the Polish Academy of Sciences, collection of graphics, cat. no. A XXVI 2187 Copperplate, plate: 17,8 x 11 cm (sheet: 25,1 x 17,2) Torso in a profile into the right in the oval-shaped. Engraving after graphics of Balthasar Moncornet dated before 1668 . Unknown „DOMNUS (!) NICOLAUS COPERNICUS, SACERDOS, CANONICUS/ REGULARIS, ASTRONOMORUM KORYPHAEUS” (IN A FACT LIKENESS OF JOHANN STOEFFLER). . Lithograph, 15,6 x 14,4 cm Torso in a profile into the left. Picture after copperplate by Balthasar Moncornet dated before 1668 . Jan Ferdynand Gotfryd Krethlow (1767-1842) „NICOLAUS KOPERNIKUS / NICOLAS COPERNIC” Berlin, 1795 The Kornik Library of the Polish Academy of Sciences, collection of graphics, cat. no. B XI 802 Copperplate, 9,3 x 6,7 cm Bust into the left against an oval background. Picture from: Almanach historique et généalogique pour l'année bissextile 1796 ..., Berlin 1796.
Theodor de Bry (1528-1598) after woodcut by Tobias Stimmera "NICOLAUS COPERNICUS TORNAEUS BORUSSUS, MATHEMAT. NAT AO. 1473. OB. 1543" Frankfort on the Men, 1598 The Kornik Library of the Polish Academy of Sciences, collection of graphics, cat. no. A XXVI 2186 Copperplate, plate 13,8 x 10,7 cm (sheet: 19,4 x 15,2) Torso turned ¾ to left with the lily of valley, inscription in the rectangle frame with a fixture ornament, horns of plenty at the corners and the plate in the lower part with the inscription: "Non docet instabiles Copernicus aetheris orbes, / Sed terra instabiles arguit ille vices. Vu 2". Engraving after: J. Boissard, Icones virorum illustrium ..., vol. 3, Francfordii ad Moenum 1568, tab. 48, p. 314
Teodor de Bry NICOLAUS COPERNICUS PORTRAIT 1598 r. [ edit.1650 r.] The Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork MF/ G / 5; MF / 138; MF / G / 246 - very poor condition The Varmian and Mazurian Museum in Olsztyn, G 1669 OMO Paper, copperplate; 13,8 x 10,7 cm Picture after Boissard J.J., Icones virorum illustrium doctrina...
Johann Jakob Vogel (acting 1670-1690) after an epitaph portrait in St. John’s Church in Torun „NICOLAUS COPERNICUS THORUNENSIS PRUSSUS, MATHEMATICUS CELEBERIMUS/ EX MONUMENTO TORUNENSI EXPRESSUS”. Frankfurt on the Men, 1683 The Kornik Library of The Polish Academy of Sciences, collection of graphics, cat. no.. B XII 866 The Varmian and Mazurian Museum in Olsztyn; cat. no G 689 OMO Copperplate, plate: 20,6 x 15,2 cm (sheet 26,4 x 19,7) Torso turned ¾ to right hands joined in the prayer before crucifix, in the distance an armillary sphere and a trammel standing on the shelf. In the lower part a plate with the inscription: „Non parem Pauli gratiam requiro/ Veniam Petri neq polco, sed quam/ In crucis ligno dederas latroni/ sedulus oro”. Graphic after: C. Hartknoch, Alt- und Neues Preussen geschrieben durch ..., Frankfurt 1683, p. 371
Georg Engelbach (1817-1894) after the picture by Tytus Maleszewski (1827-1898) based on a painting supposed authorship of Ghirlandajo NICOLAUS COPERNICUS Berlin, latter part of XIX. The Kornik Library of The Polish Academy of Sciences, collection of graphics, cat. no.. D VI 129 Lithograph, 65,6 x 48,8 cm (sheet 74,8 x 65,0 cm) Bust into right, model of the heliocentric system in the left hand.
G.Engelbach after Tadeusz Maleszewski and Ghirlandaio NICOLAUS COPERNICUS’ PORTRAIT 1873 The Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF / G / 171 Paper, lithograph; 58,8 x 42,5 cm Printed: W. Korn, Berlin
T. Maleszewski, lit. G. Engelbach NICOLAUS COPERNICUS’ ENGRAVING Second half of XIX c. Berlin The Jagiellonian University Museum, 15529-2381/II Lithograph, paper 77 x 62,5 cm
Henr yk Redlich (1838-1884) after Wojciech Gerson (1831-1901) COPERNICUS LECTURING THE ASTRONOMY IN ROME IN 1500 YEAR. TOWARZYSTWO ZACHETY SZTUK PIEKNYCH W KR ÓLESTWIE POLSKIM CZŁONKOM SWOIM ZA ROK 1877" / (THE ASSOCIATION OF FINE ARTS PROMOTION IN CONGRESS KINGDOM OF POLAND THEIR OWN MEMBERS IN 1877). Munich (print Fr. Felsing), 1877 The Kornik Library of The Polish Academy of Sciences, collection of graphics, cat. no. CXXVIII 2486 Copperplate, plate: 37,5 x 49,7 cm (sheet: 42,8 x 58 cm) Copernicus’ figure standing at the professor’s desk before listening to him the Pope Alexander VI and the group of scholars and artists among whose are: Castiglione, Bembo, Perugino, Dominik Marja, Michelozzi, M.A. Buonarotti, Cesar Borgia, Leonardo da Vinci, Fracastor and Bramante.
Henryk Redlich after a picture by Wojciech Gersona COPERNICUS LECTURING ON THE ASTRONOMY IN ROME 1500 Munich, second half of the XIX c. Zamoysky Museum in Kozlowka, MPK/MR/1163 copperplate on the white blotting paper, 37,5 x 49,9 cm ( 53,5 x 70,9 cm)
Henryk Redlich after a picture by Wojciech Gersona COPERNICUS LECTURING ON THE ASTRONOMY IN ROME 1500 Munich, 1877 The Varmian and Mazurian Museum in Olsztyn,cat. no G 1854 OMO Lithograph, 29,5 x 45,2 cm Henryk Redlich (1838-1884) after Wojciech Gerson (1831-1901) "N I C O L Ò C O P E R N I C O - SPIEGA IL SUO SISTEMA DINANZI ALESSANDRO VI/ E LA SUA CORTE/ QUADRO DI ALBERTO GERSON DI VARSOVIA" ca. 1877 The Kornik Library of The Polish Academy of Sciences, collection of graphics, cat. no. CXXXI 2733 Lithograph, stone 26,2 x 40,6 cm (sheet 32,5 x 47,5 cm) Copernicus’ figure standing at the professor’s desk before listening to him the Pope Alexander VI and the group of scholars and artists among whose are: Castiglione, Perugino, Bembo, Dominik Marja, Michelozzi, M.A. Buonarotti, Cesar Borgia, Leonardo da Vinci, Fracastor and Bramante
Henryk Redlich after Wojciech Gerson COPERNICUS’ LECTURE IN ROME 1877 The Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, inv. MF / G / 170 Paper, aquatint; 40 x 50 cm
Fajans Maksymilian after Orda Napoleon TORUN. COPERNICUS’ HOUSE Warsaw ? The Library of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences and the Polish Academy of Sciences in Cracow, 8/II 1017: nr 166 Lithograph, 30,1 x 45,5 cm (folio) In the lower part inscript. : Rys. z natury Napoleon Orda Lit. w Lit. M. Fajansa w Warszawie: Below: Toruń nad Wisłą/ ( Zachodnie Prusy); below in two lines: Dom w którym się urodził... 1543; acompanied by french translation
Styfi Jan after Matejko Jan NICOLAUS COPERNICUS ? The Library of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences and the Polish Academy of Sciences in Cracow, 8/III - 1026:nr 21 wood engraving, 44,2 x 64,0 cm folio (.............................................................) Engr. Styfi Jan after pict. by: Matejko Jan NICOLAUS COPERNICUS 1876 The L. Wyczolkowski Regional Museum in Bydgoszcz, MOB/S/420 Wood engraving, 29,2 x 30,3 cm picture
J. Styfi N. COPERNICUS’ PORTRAIT XIX w. The Regional Museum of Torun, cat. no. MT/MK/182 ? Inscription: „Podług portretu w Muzeum Galileusz w Torr del Galle Florencya”. Copernicus at the desk holding a feather in his right hand and papers in the other one.
Jan Styfi after picture by J. Matejki NICOLAUS COPERNICUS 1874, woodcut pen of "Kłosy" in Warsaw (journal) The Jagiellonian University Museum, 8642/1140/II Paper, woodcut; 38 x 55,5 cm
Kinath Z. NICOLAUS COPERNICUS Cracow, 1934 The Library of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences and the Polish Academy of Sciences in Cracow, top. Pol I inv. no 035139; inv.no 37966 woodcut ; 18,4 x 13,7 cm Bibliophilic incription with a monogram MKT on the binding and written in verse: Recepta biblofilska (sic!) / Cny bibjofilu... wyniesie/ Kraków 4.III. 1934 Tobiasz Stimmer NICOLAUS COPERNICUS’ PORTRAIT 1597 The Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, cat. no MF / G / 7 Paper, woodcut; 13,9 x 8,3 cm The oldest graphical image of Copernicus Picture out of : Icones sive imagines virorum literis ilustrium... Recensente Nicolao Reusnero I.C., Argentorati 1587 Conquy [Ephraim] COPERNICUS Before 1843 The Silesian Library, sign. G 261 III steel engraving 9 x 9 cm Horwart Ludwik NICOLAUS COPERNICUS THE VARMIA CANON Warsaw, 1829 The Public Library of Warsaw, Gr. 1542 Lithograph, 11,2 x 12 cm portrait, 24 x 18 cm with the text portrait with wide biographic note, one of the series: “portrety Królów polskich ludzi sławnych z opisem krótkim ich życia wydał J. Kosmiński 1829”, 1830 Warsaw.
Osadczy Ryszard MIKOŁAJ KOPERNIK Katowice, 1973 The Silesian Library in Katowice, sign. G 265 V Aqua-fortis etching, colour aquatint, 4/100, 63 x 48 cm framed graphics
Stryjec Ryszard KOPERNIK Gdańsk, 1970 The Public Library of Warsaw, Gr. 3336 Copperplate, 15/50 (dry etching), 32,4 x 32 cm Copernicus’ bust turned ¾ to right, in the left upper corner a sand-glass, in the background astronomical instruments and the building, from: „Mikołaj Kopernik. Teka Graficzna” Gdańsk 1972, Printing house of ZPAP Gdańsk (Oficyna Doświadczalna pracownia Graficzna przy ZPAP Gdańsk)
Rosmäsler Joh. Adolf NICOLAUS COPERNICUS Zwickau, 1819 The Public Library of Warsaw, Gr. 1563 copperplate (grain-end), 18,8 x 11,8 cm Bust turned ¾ to right with an astronomical instrument symbolising heliocentric system in the right hand. Carl Barth COPERNICUS Hildburghausen, 1855 The Public Library of Warsaw, Gr. 1717 Steel engraving, 14,4 x 8,6 cm (cut) Coming from : Meyer J. „Neues Conversations Lexicon” Hildburghausen, V.2 1855, p. 446
Carl Barth COPERNICUS Second half of XIX c. The Regional Museum of Torun, inv. no MT/MK/13 Steel engraving, 15,5 x 12,5 cm
C[arl] Barth NICOLAUS COPERNICUS 1855 The Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/ G / 8 Paper, steel engraving; 13,4 x 9,4 cm Picture coming from: J.Meyer, Lexicon...,Hildburghausen 1855
Jan Ligber NICOLAUS COPERNICUS FROM PAINTING BELONGED TO THE KING STANISLAW AUGUST AT BELVEDERE Warsaw, 1804 The Public Library in Warsaw, Gr. 1719 Copperplate (grain-end), 19,2 x 12,1 cm Bust turned ¾ to left, with arms folded in the left one lily of valley in oval framed background.
Jan Ligber Nicolaus Copernicus portrait Ca. 1803, Warsaw The Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, inv. no MF / G / 145; MF / G / 296 Paper, copperplate; 15,9 x 12,1 cm Below the print inscription: Z Obrazów Króla Stanisława Augusta w Belwederze. Coming from: Adam Naruszewicz “History of the Polish Nation” (Historya Narodu Polskiego), Warsaw 1803.
Jan Ligber NICOLAUS COPERNICUS PORTRAIT Ca. 1804 r. , Warszawa The Jagiellonian University Museum, 6542-340/II Paper, copperplate, 32,5 x 24,4 cm incl. frame
Aleksander Regulski after pict. by Jan Matejko, based on copperplate by Jeremiasz Falck NICOLAUS COPERNICUS 1473-1873 Warsaw, 1873 The Public Library of Warsaw, Gr. 3508 Woodcut, decorative rim on the yellow tint, 43,8 x 34,6 cm Bust turned ¾ to right, in decorative fringe, premium for subscribers „Tygodnik Ilustrowany” for the first quarter of 1873
Steifensand Xaver after Adolfa Menzla project COPERNICUS ?, first half of XIX c. Provincial Public Library of Lublin, sign. T. IV inv. no. 329 Steel engraving 15,6 x 9,2 cm Astronomer against a background of apartment in the left hand a lunette the right one upraised is showing the window.
W. Gerson NICOLAUS COPERNICUS LECTURING ON HIS THEORIES IN ROME 1864 The Regional Museum of Torun , inv. no. MT/MK/ 931 Paper, woodcut 25 x 32 cm
Unknown N. COPERNICUS STATUE IN WARSAW A PRINT Poland, XIX c. The Jagiellonian University Museum, 16179-2934/II Paper, woodcut 20,3 x 16,4 cm The statue by Thordvaldsen probably printed on leaflets on occasion of unveiling of the monument
Engr. A. Piliński, pict. T. Mielcarzewicz COPERNICUS’ HOUSE IN TORUN A PRINT 1842, Paris The Jagiellonian University Museum, 16530-2943/II Paper , steel engraving, 17,5 x 28 cm
Antonio Zezo after pict. by G.Ruo NICHOLAS COPERNICUS DURING OBSERVATION [COPERNICUS IN OBSERVAZIONE] XIX The Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombok, MF / G / 12 Paper, lithograph; 20,2 x 16 cm Copernicus wearing a cloth of beginning XVIII standing outdoor near to a lunette.
Kruszyński NICOLAUS COPERNICUS PORTRAIT [AS A FACT J.STOFFLER ] 1843 The Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombok, MF / G / 141 Paper, lithograph; 40 x 30 cm
Leon Wyczółkowski NICOLAUS COPERNICUS’ PORTRAIT 1923 The Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombok, MF / G / 142 Paper, ink, chalk; 39 x 27,5 cm
Scheffer w/g Basaeti’ego NICOLAUS COPERNICUS PORTRAIT XIX [after picture of 1512 ], Vienna The Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF / G / 143; MF / G / 227 Paper, lithograph; 48,6 x 35,4 cm
Pict. and engr. Johann Scheffer / 1795-1822/ after painting by Marea Basaiti NICOLAUS COPERNICUS PORTRAIT Ca. 1820, Vienna, Austria The Jagiellonian University Museum, 6229-3/II Paper, lithograph, 53 x 40,5 cm incl. frame
Nicolaus Dandelau NICOLAUS COPERNICUS PORTRAIT [Nicolas Copernic] Second half of XVIII c. The Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork MF / G / 144 Paper, copperplate; 28,5 x 22 cm Below the print a 10 line dedication text with a coat of arms of de Sartine a king counsellor placed in the middle Author anonymous NICOLAUS COPERNICUS’ PORTRAIT AND VARSOVIAN COPERNICUS’ STATUE - TEXT ILLUSTRATION 1834 The Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF / G / 319 Paper, steel engraving coming from: Przyjaciel Ludu, No 2, 1834, Leszno
Edward Scriven NICOLAUS COPERNICUS’ PORTRAIT After 1776 The Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork MF / G / 151 Paper, etching; 12,8 x 10,4 cm Inscription below: Nicolao Copernico From a Picture in the Possesion of the Royal Society* Printed by Dr. Wolf of Danzic June 6, 1776 .
Engr. Edward Scriven (1775-1841) "NICOLAO COPERNICO"- A PRINT 1833, England, London The Jagiellonian University Museum, 16321-2942/II Paper, steel engraving, 21,6 x 13,6 cm , framed 25 x 20 cm After copperplate by Th. Path of 1782
Gotfryd Engelmann w/g Vigneron’a NICOLAUS COPERNICUS’ PORTRAIT Beg. XIX w. The Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF / G / 152 Paper, lithograph; 26 x 20,4 cm
LLBN NICOLAUS COPERNICUS’ PORTRAIT Beginning of XIX c The Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork,MF / G / 153 Paper, lithograph; 15 x 11 cm
C. Westermayer NICOLAUS COPERNICUS’ PORTRAIT 1803 r. The Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF / G / 158 Paper, copperplate; 13,8 x 8,8 cm Below the print inscription: Nicolaus Copernicus Geb. zu Thorn 19 Febr. 1473 Gestorb in Ermeland d. 24 May 1543.
V.Angerer after Lesser THE LAST MOMENT OF COPERNICUS 1873 The Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF / G / 161 Paper, heliography; 25,5 x 29 cm Copernicus sitting in an armchair surrounded by a bishop, canons and servants.
Ludwik Letronne [ after litograph by Scheffer ] NICOLAUS COPERNICUS’ PORTRAIT 1823, Warsaw The Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF / G / 173 Paper, lithograph; 42 x 34 cm Below the print inscription: Mikołaj Kopernik urodzony w Toruniu 1473 r. pod panowaniem Kazimierza Jagiellończyka Królewsko Warszawskiemu Towarzystwu Przyjaciół Nauk ofiarowuje autor. Below four line poem by l.Osinski dedicated to Copernicus
Karol de la Haye NICOLAUS COPERNICUS ACCOMPANIED BY URANYA AND FIVE FAMOUS ASTRONOMERS 1690, Gdansk The Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF / G / 176 Paper, copperplate; 30,7 x 38 cm Frontispiece print coming from work by J.Hevelius Prodromus Astronomiae, Gdansk 1690 .. Astronomers and Uranya sitting at the table, on boards explanations about their identity and works, above observatory terrace with the Hevelius instruments.
Karol de la Haye after Andrew Stecha N. COPERNICUS AS ONE OF THE FAMOUS ASTRONOMERS 1687, Gdańsk The Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF / G / 177 Paper, copperplate; 29,7 x 36,8 cm Frontispiece print coming from work by J.Hevelius Firmamentum Sobiescianum, Gdansk 1687 .. Uranya sitting at the table accompanied by famous astronomers, N. Copernicus first on the right side.
John Holewiński after Andriolly NICOLAUS COPERNICUS, HIS PREDECESSORS AND SUCCESSORS 1873 [after pict. of 1872], Warsaw The Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF / G / 226 Paper, woodcut; 40 x 55 cm Copernicus lecturing in the gothic hall most famous astronomers gathered around him both his predecessors, contemporaries and successors as well.
Unknown THE NICOLAUS COPERNICUS’ STATUE IN TORUN 1873 The Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF / G / 234; MF / G / 288 Paper, woodcut; 15 x 12 cm Illustration in the text of „Kłosy” weekly magazine of 1873.
Unknown The Nicolaus Copernicus’ statue in Warsaw 1873 The Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF / G / 235; MF / G / 287 Paper, woodcut, 15 x 12 cm Illustration in the text of „Kłosy” weekly magazine of 1873
Maria Hermann NICOLAUS COPERNICUS’ PORTRAIT Beg. of XIX [lithography pen of A. Brzezina in Warsaw] The Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF / G / 265 Paper, lithograph; 19 x 14,2 cm Ewa Piotrowski THE SOUTH-EAST CORNER OF THE COLLEGIUM MAIUS YARD WITH THE COPERNICUS’ STATUE OF 1900 1980, England The Jagiellonian University Museum, 9593-2532/II ardboard, pencil, chalk, 16 x 12 cm/ carnet
J. Matejko N. COPERNICUS’ PORTRAIT Cracow The Jagiellonian University Museum, 8648-1146/II Paper on a cardboard, tinted, outline stressed with pencil, 66 x 48 cm
Unknown after painting by J. Matejko PRINT N. COPERNICUS XIX, Cracow, Lit. J. Brydeke and I. Bielikiewicz The Jagiellonian University Museum, 8635-1132/II Paper , lithograph, 43,5 x 32 cm
pict. J. Piwarski, engr. F. Dietrich N. COPERNICUS’ MONUMENT XIX The Jagiellonian University Museum, 7501-680/II Paper, etching 55 x 43 cm rectangular
After pict. by Jan Nepomucen Bizańsky (1804-1878) N. COPERNICUS’ MONUMENT IN THE ST ANN CHURCH IN CRACOW Ca. 1830, Cracow The Jagiellonian University Museum, 6228 - 4/II Paper , lithograph 55 x 43,5 cm
rys. Giowanni Colzi, lit. Salucci NICOLAUS COPERNICUS’ PORTRAIT XVIII/XIX c., Italy The Jagiellonian University Museum, 6541-2/II Paper, lithograph 42,5 x 28 cm framed
Unknown N. COPERNICUS’ PORTRAIT beginning of the XX The Varmian and Mazurian Museum in Olsztyn, inv. no. G 1672 OMO lithograph 24,2 x 17,1 cm
Unknown N. COPERNICUS’ PORTRAIT ? The Varmian and Mazurian Museum in Olsztyn, inv. no. G 2553 OMO copperplate 18 x 13,4 cm
SCULPTURES IN COLLECTIONS OF THE POLISH MUSEUMS After Frederick Christian Tieck (1776-1851), Würtembergische Metallwaren Fabrik STATUETTE TO NICOLAUS COPERNICUS, Geisslingen (Würtembergia), XIX/XX w. The Kornik Library of The Polish Academy of Sciences, collection of graphics, cat. no. MK 1201 Steel alloy, cast, height 9 cm, pedestal diameter 2,7 cm Statuette of standing Copernicus with the right hand upraised and a globe (armillary sphere ?) kept in the left one. Figure placed on the round pedestal with inscription in Latin: "NICOLAUS COPERNICUS THORUNENSIS TERRAE MOTOR SOLIS CAELIQUE STATOR". Miniature copy of the statue in Toruń unveiled in 1853, however pedestal of statue in Toruń is square.
Wiktor Brodzki (1826-1904) SCULPTURE- N. COPERNICUS’ BUST 1873 The National Museum of Poznan, inv. no MNP/P/164 White marble, 65 x 50 x 32 cm After drawing on sphere configuration
Konstanty Laszczka SCULPTURE- HEAD OF N. COPERNICUS Poland, first half of XIX c. The Regional Museum of Torun, inv. no MT/MK/819 Bronze, height 38 cm
Franciszek Wyspiański N. COPERNICUS’ BUST 1862, Cracow The Jagiellonian University Museum, 14158-23/III Plaster cast black patinized 58 x 43 x 31 cm.
Teodor Rygier N. COPERNICUS’ BUST 1878, Rome The Jagiellonian University Museum, 186-132/III Plaster patinized with oil for black marble, height 66 cm
Bronisław Chromy STATUE TO NICOLAUS COPERNICUS Ca. 1964, Cracow The Jagiellonian University Museum, 6063-867/III Bronze on wooden base, height 70 cm
The publisher: Amadee Durand (1789-1873), the author of the project: Mathias Nicolas Marie Vivier THE MEDAL NICOLAUS COPERNICUS 1820 The Leon Wyczółkowski Regional Museum of Bydgoszcz, MOB/ Me 1005 Bronze, minted, diameter 41 mm
Józef Majnert (1812-1872) THE MEDAL NICOLAUS COPERNICUS Year 1830 The Leon Wyczółkowski Regional Museum of Bydgoszcz, MOB/Me 1014 Tin, minted, diameter 60 mm
Fryderyk Wilhelm Below (1822-1895) the author of the project, Osterloff’s Workshop in Berlin THE MEDAL NICOLAUS COPERNICUS 1873, Berlin The Leon Wyczółkowski Regional Museum of Bydgoszcz, MOB/Me 1003 Tin, minted, diameter 64,8 mm
Giovanni Vagnetti (?- 1899), the publisher: Artur Wołyński THE MEDAL NICOLAUS COPERNICUS 1879 The Leon Wyczółkowski Regional Museum of Bydgoszcz, MOB/Me 1004 Bronze, minted, diameter 65 mm
The publisher : Amadee Durand (1789-1873, the author of the project: Mathias Nicolas Marie Vivier THE MEDAL NICOLAUS COPERNICUS 1820 The National Museum in Wrocław, cat No X-5397 ? From series about famous people
Fryderyk Wilhelm Below (1822-1895) the author of the project, Osterloff’s Workshop in Berlin THE MEDAL NICOLAUS COPERNICUS 1873, Berlin The National Museum in Wrocław, X-24031, X - 3990 ? On the occasion of 400th anniversary of birth of M. Copernicus
Louis Michel Petit, sculpture and medallist; the publisher: Amadee Durand. MEDAL MINTED IN FRANCE WITHIN THE CONFINES OF THE SERIES NUMISMATICA UNIVERSLIS VIRORUM ILLUSTRIUM. 1818, France The Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/N/220; The Regional Museum in Toruń, cat No MT/MK/562-563 Bronze, diameter 41 mm Obverse:: a bust of Copernicus, captured from the side-face; an inscription in the rim: NICOLAUS COPERNICUS. Reverse: a nine verse inscription in the field: NATUS/ TORUNI/ IN PRUSSIA/ A.N. MCCCCLXXIII./ OBIT A.N. MDXLIII/
Godel, the publisher: Amadee Durand. THE MEDAL MINTED IN FRANCE WITHIN THE SERIES NUMISMATICA UNIVERSLIS VIRORUM ILLUSTRIUM.(SECOND EDITION) 1820, France The Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/N/1468 ; Iron, diameter 41 mm Obverse:: a bust of Copernicus, captured from the side-face; an inscription in the rim: NICOLAUS COPERNICUS. Reverse: a nine verse inscription in the field: NATUS/ / A.N. MCCCCLXXIII./TORUNI IN POLONIA/ CASIMIRO IV/ JAGIELLONIDE REGNANTE/ OBIT/ A.N. MDXLIII/
Józef Majnert, medallist from Warsaw A MEDAL MINTED BY TOWARZYSTWO PRZYJACIÓŁ NAUK IN WARSAW ON THE OCCASION OF UNVEILING THE MONUMENT OF NICOLAUS COPERNICUS SCULPTURED BY BERTEL THORDWALSEN. 1830, Warsaw The Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/N-219; Bronze, diameter 60 mm Obverse:: The figure of Nicholas Copernicus in the field according to the Warsaw monument; an inscription in the rim: STA SOL. Reverse: In the rim created by seven stars a four verse inscription: NICOLAO COPERNICO/ POLONO/ SOCIETATIS : REG: LITER: VARS:/ M DCCC XXX.
Fryderyk Wilhelm Below, medallist from Poznań; maker: Osterloff’s Workshop in Berlin. THE MEDAL MINTED ON THE OCCASION OF 400TH ANNIVERSARY OF BIRTH OF M. COPERNICUS BY TOWARZYSTWO PRZYJACIÓŁ NAUK IN POZNAŃ. 1873, Poznań. The Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/N/222, 223, 334.; White metal, tin, diameter 65 mm Obverse:: in the field - the portrait of Nicholas Copernicus holding an astrolabe in his hand; an inscription in the rim: POLSKIE WYDAŁO GO PLEMIE WSTRZYMAŁ SŁOŃCE WZRUSZYŁ ZIEMIĘ, dates at the bottom: born in 1473, died in 1543. Reverse: in the rim created by signs of the zodiac, a nine verse inscription: MIKOŁAJKOWI/ KOPERNIKOWI/ W CZTERECHSETNA/ ROCZNICE/ URODZIN/ NA ZIEMI POLSKIEJ/ ROKU PANSKIEGO/ MDCCCXXIII/ CZEŚĆ ODDAJA/ RODACY.
Unknown COMMEMORATIVE PUBLISHING ON THE OCCASION OF THE 400TH ANNIVERSARY OF BIRTH OF COPERNICUS WITH THE MEDAL IN A COVER 1873,Poznań - Gniezno, The Regional Museum in Toruń MT/MK/554 Album’s dimensions: 31 x 23,5 cm, the medal: tin, diameter 6,5 cm The medal designed by Fryderyk Wilhelm Below (1822-1895) made in the Osterloff’s Workshop in Berlin.
Giovanni Vagnetii, Florentine painter, the publisher: Artur Wołyński, the promoter: The Museum of Nicolaus Copernicus in Rome ThE MEDAL MINTED ON THE OCCASION OF OPENING THE MUSEUM OF NICOLAUS COPERNICUS IN ROME. 1879, Rome The Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/N/218, N/1467 Bronze, tin, diameter 64 mm Obverse:: a bust of Copernicus after a sculpture of Teodor Rygier; an inscription in the rim: NICOLAUS COPERNICUS ASTRONOMUS POLONUS. Reverse: the field is filled with 12 verse inscription by authorship of a professor of Latin literature in the University of Pisa, Michael Ferrucci. Reverse: an inscription: CIVES VARSAVIENSES OFFERUNT MUSEO COPERNICANO DIE 19 FEBRUARII 1879.
Karl Goetz, Bavaria MEDAL WITH AN IMAGE OF COPERNICUS 1934, Bavaria The Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/N/221 Silver, diameter 36 mm Obverse:: the bust of Nicholas Copernicus, en trois quatre, dates on the both sides 1473 1543; an inscription in the rim: NIKOLAUS . COPERNICUS . ASTRONOM. Rt: an allegorical figure a lad with wings holding the Sun in one hand and setting the Earth in motion by the other, an inscription in the rim: SOLIS. CAELIQVE. STATOR. TERRAE . MOTOR
F. Dormeet, Germany THE ONE-SIDED MEDALLION EMITTED ON THE OCCASION OF 400TH ANNIVERSARY OF BIRTH OF N. COPERNICUS 1943, Germany The Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork,MF/N/320 Silvered metal, diameter 80 mm Obverse:: Nicholas Copernicus in the field, half-figure holding an astrolabe in his hand; in the background there is a simplified map of eastern part of the globe; a legend in the rim: NICOLAUS ……. RNICUS ADMINISTRATOR ALLENSTEIN.
Rug., Germany A CASTING MATRIX OF THE MEDAL WITH AN IMAGE OF NICOLAUS COPERNICUS 1943, Germany The Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork,MF/N/248 Plaster; 166 x 185 mm A quadrilateral tabula in the centre, in a round medallion an image of Nicholas Copernicus’ head shown in a negative, a contemporary cast (the author: T. Godziszewski) demonstrates an appearance of the medal made in this form.
Fryderyk Wilhelm Below, medallist from Poznań; maker: Osterloff’s Workshop in Berlin. THE MEDAL MINTED ON THE OCCASION OF 400TH ANNIVERSARY OF BIRTH OF N. COPERNICUS BY TOWARZYSTWO PRZYJACIÓŁ NAUK IN POZNAŃ. 1873, Poznań. The Regional Museum in Toruń cat No MT/MK/575 B536 Bronze, diameter 65 mm Obverse:: in the field - the portrait of Nicholas Copernicus holding an astrolabe in his hand; an inscription in the rim: POLSKIE WYDAŁO GO PLEMIE WSTRZYMAŁ SŁOŃCE WZRUSZYŁ ZIEMIĘ, dates at the bottom: born in 1473, died in 1543. Reverse: in the rim created by signs of the zodiac, a nine verse inscription: MIKOŁAJKOPWI/ KOPERNIKOWI/ W CZTERECHSETNA/ ROCZNICE/ URODZIN/ NA ZIEMI POLSKIEJ/ ROKU PANSKIEGO/ MDCCCXXIII/ CZEŚĆ ODDAJA/ RODACY.
Godel, publisher: Amadee Durand. THE MEDAL MINTED IN FRANCE WITHIN THE CONFINES OF THE SERIES NUMISMATICA UNIVERSLIS VIRORUM ILLUSTRIUM.(SECOND EDITION) 1820, France The Regional Museum in Toruń cat No MT/MK/565, MT/MK/566 White metal, bronze, diameter 41 mm Obverse:: a bust of Copernicus, captured from the side-face; an inscription in the rim: NICOLAUS COPERNICUS. Reverse: a nine verse inscription in the field: NATUS/ / A.N. MCCCCLXXIII./TORUNI IN POLONIA/ CASIMIRO IV/ JAGIELLONIDE REGNANTE/ OBIT/ A.N. MDXLIII/
Władysław Oleszczyński (1807-1866) THE MEDAL IN MEMORY OF N. COPERNICUS, MINTED ON THE OCCASION OF THE EXHIBITION OF THE GREAT ASTRONOMER’S MONUMENT IN FRONT OF THE STASZIC’S PALACE IN WARSAW. 1830, Warsaw - Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Nauk in Warsaw The Regional Museum in Toruń, MT/MK/569 Bronze , diameter 6 cm Obverse:: in the field: a figure of M. Copernicus sitting, captured from the right side-face, after the Bertel Thorwaldsen’s sculpture. Reverse: in the field: an inscription creating a wreath made from an oak leaves.
Unknown THE MEDAL OF THE INDUSTRIAL SOCIETY (TOWARZYSTWO PRZEMYSŁOWE) IN TORUŃ 1897 The Regional Museum in Toruń, MT/MK/577 Silver, diameter 2,7 cm Obverse:: in the centre of the field: a crest of Toruń under which there is an inscription on a decorative excise band: Industrial Society in Toruń , dates at the bottom: 1872-1897 reverse: in the centre of the field: the Torunian monument of Nicholas Copernicus sculptured by Fryderyk Tieck in 1853, captured ¾ to the left side. In the upper part of the medal: a handle on an axis with one link used to hang the medal.
W.J. THE MEDAL MINTED IN MEMORY OF N. COPERNICUS ON THE OCCASION OF 400TH ANNIVERSARY OF DEATH OF THE ASTRONOMER. 1943, London The Regional Museum in Toruń, MT/MK/996 Silver, diameter 6 cm Obverse:: in the field: a composition being an interpretation of Jan Matejko’s painting: “Nicholas Copernicus, that is a conversation with God” ("Nicholas Copernicus czyli rozmowa z Bogiem"); an inscription in the rim : Nicolaus Copernicus and dates 1473 - 1543 reverse: a nine verse inscription in the field
Unknown THE MEDAL - A PLAQUE Second half of XIX century The Regional Museum in Toruń, MT/MK/158 Bronze, 13,5 x 12 cm In the centre of a rectangular plate rounded in the lower part there is the Varsovian monument of N. Copernicus captured from the right side-face.
Jan Nalborczyk THE MEDAL WITH THE IMAGE OF N. COPERNICUS 1908 The Regional Museum in Toruń, MT/MK/157 Bronze, diameter 20 cm In the field: the bust of N. Copernicus captured from the left side-face; in the upper part a handle on an axis used for hanging the medal.
Copernican medals after the year 1945
Franciszek Kalfas, a sculptor. THE MEDAL MINTED ON THE OCCASION OF 75TH ANNIVERSARY OF CREATING POLSKA AKADEMIA UMIEJĘTNOŚCI (THE POLISH ACADEMY OF ARTS AND SCIENCE) IN WARSAW 1948, Warsaw The Regional Museum in Toruń, MT/MK/904 Silver; diameter 6 cm Obverse:. In the field: the head of Nicholas Copernicus en trois quatre; an inscription in the rim: NICOLAUS COPERNICUS. QUI SOLEM. STARE TERRRAM . MOVERI IUSSIT. Reverse: In the centre: a six verse inscription: XV/LUSTRIS/FELICITER/PERACTIS/ MDCCCLXXIII/MCMXLVIII; legend in the rim: ACADEMIA. LITTERARUM. ET. SCIENTIARUM. POLONA.
Franciszek Kalfas, a sculptor. THE MEDAL MINTED ON THE OCCASION OF 75TH ANNIVERSARY OF POLSKA AKADEMIA UMIEJĘTNOŚCI (THE POLISH ACADEMY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES) IN WARSAW 1948, Warsaw The Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/ N/ 1469 Bronze, bronze silvered; diameter 60 mm Obverse:. In the field the head of Nicholas Copernicus en trois quatre; an inscription in the rim: NICOLAUS COPERNICUS. QUI SOLEM. STARE TERRRAM . MOVERI IUSSIT. Reverse: In the centre a six verse inscription: XV/LUSTRIS/FELICITER/PERACTIS/ MDCCCLXXIII/MCMXLVIII; a caption in the rim: ACADEMIA. LITTERARUM. ET. SCIENTIARUM. POLONA.
Józef Aumiler, a medallist from Warsaw A ONE-SIDE MEDAL WITH AN IMAGE OF NICOLAUS COPERNICUS 1963, Warsaw The Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/ N/468 Bronze; diameter 115 mm Obverse:. In the field the head of Nicholas Copernicus, a view of the side-face; inscriptions on both sides: MIKOŁAJ KOPERNIK
Stefan Rufin Koźbielewski, a medallist from Warsaw. A ONE-SIDE PLAQUE MINTED ON THE OCCASION OF XVII INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF HISTORY OF MEDICINE IN WARSAW AND KRAKOW 1962, Warsaw The Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/ N/1470 Bronze; diameter 50 x 40 mm Obverse:. In the field the bust of Nicholas Copernicus holding a sprig of a lily of the valley a symbol of medical science, above an inscription NICOLAUS COPERNICUS.
Józef Proszowski, a sculptor from Warsaw A ONE-SIDE MEDALLION WITH THE IMAGE OF COPERNICUS 1956, Warsaw The Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork,MF/ N/887 Bronze; 400 x 400 mm Obverse: The head of Nicholas Copernicus captured from the side-face, a caption in the rim: NICHOLAS COPERNICUS x 1473 x 1543 Edward Ryszard Haupt, medallist from Poznań THE MEDALLION WITH THE IMAGE OF NICOLAUS COPERNICUS First half of XX century, Poznań The Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/ N/1471 Bronze; diameter 155 mm Obverse:. In the field: the head of Nicholas Copernicus presented in a very realistic way; an inscription at the bottom: NICOLAuS COPERNICUS
Stefan Luchter A ONE-SIDE MEDALLION WITH THE IMAGE OF THE ASTRONOMER 1964 The Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/ N/886 Copper sheet, diameter 300 mm Obverse:. In the spotted field: the head of Copernicus en face. Franciszek Habdas, an architect, a sculptor and a medallist from Warsaw THE MEDAL MINTED ON THE OCCASION OF THE SCIENTIFIC SESSION OF THE POLISH ACADEMY OF SCIENCES DEVOTED TO NICOLAUS COPERNICUS IN THE COPERNICAN YEAR 1953, Warsaw The Nicholas Copernicus Museum in Frombork, cat. No. N/225, 226 Bronze; diameter 50 mm Obverse: In the centre: the monument of Nicholas Copernicus in Warsaw; an inscription in the rim: HOMONI LIBERO ASTRONOMIA DIGNISSIMA. Reverse: in the rim, created by signs of the zodiac, an eight verse inscription: MIKOŁAJ/ KOPERNIK/ MCDLXXIII MDXLII/ SESJA NAUKOWA/ POLSKIEJ AKADEMII/ NAUK/WARSAW/ 1953
Franciszek Habdas, an architect, a sculptor and a medallist from Warsaw THE MEDAL EMITTED IN THE JUBILEE YEAR (THE 500TH ANNIVERSARY OF COPERNICUS’ BIRTH) 1973, Warsaw The Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/ N/268 Bronze; diameter 124 mm Obverse:. On the right side a part of Copernicus’ face, the rest of the field is filled with an idea of the heliocentricism, in the centre there is a hole symbolising the Sun and an inscription: ASTRONOMIA DIGNISSIMA HOMINI LIBERO. Reverse: on the right side, around the hole symbolising the Sun, the digits radial arranged: 1473-1543 1973; an inscription on the right: NICOLAUS/COPERNICUS.
Franciszek Habdas, an architect, a sculptor and a medallist from Warsaw THE MEDAL EMITTED IN THE JUBILEE YEAR (THE 500TH ANNIVERSARY OF COPERNICUS’ BIRTH) 1973, Warsaw The Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/ N/270 Bronze; diameter 115 mm Obverse:. In the centre: Copernicus’ face, the lower part of the face is covered with a drawing of the heliocentric system, on both sides there are irregular, decorative letters creating an inscription: NICOLAUS COPERNICUS. Reverse: The field divided into four parts, in the centre there is a hollow symbolising the Sun, on which there are digits: 1473/1543
Irena Goerne-Habdas, a sculptor from Warsaw THE MEDAL WITH THE IMAGE OF COPERNICUS 1968, Warsaw The Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/ N/269 Bronze: diameter 78 mm Obverse:. In the field: the stylised head of Copernicus round which stylised letters create an inscription: THORUNI NATUS AD 1473 FRAUENBURGUM OB. 1543 Reverse: In the field: the stylised Sun, in the rim there is a decorative inscription: NICOLAUS COPERNICUS.
Bronisław Chromy, a sculptor from Warsaw THE ANNIVERSARY MEDAL (THE 500TH ANNIVERSARY OF COPERNICUS’ BIRTH) 1973, Warsaw The Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/ N/402 Bronze, diameter 115 mm Obverse:: in the irregular field, among symbolically outlined orbits of planets, on which there are fragments of old buildings in Krakow and Toruń you can see a walking figure in a long robe, a caption in the rim: W 500 ROCZNICĘ URODZIN NICHOLAS COPERNICUS - 1973 Reverse: in the irregular field, a square box with crests of Krakow and Torun; a caption in the rim: ME GENUIT TORUNIA CRACOVIA ME ARTE POLIVIT
Józef Markiewicz, a sculptor from Warsaw THE ANNIVERSARY MEDAL (THE 500TH ANNIVERSARY OF COPERNICUS’ BIRTH) 1973, Warsaw The Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/ N/794 Bronze, 185x190 mm Obverse:. On irregular surface of the medal you can see a half of Nicolaus Copernicus’ face, on the right side there is a facture symbolising Sun rays, all these create a background for the globe in the orbit; dates at the bottom 1473 and 1973. Reverse:. In the centre one can see pervading spheres, stylised astrolabe and some decorative, scattered letters creating an inscription: NICOLAuS COPERNICUS.
Józef Markiewicz, a sculptor from Warsaw THE ANNIVERSARY MEDAL (THE 500TH ANNIVERSARY OF COPERNICUS’ BIRTH) EMITTED BY THE POLISH AIRLINES “LOT” 1973, Warsaw The Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/ N/464 Bronze, diameter 55 mm Obverse:. In the centre: the orbit of the Earth, in the centre, in place of the Sun there is Copernicus’ head; an inscription in the upper and lower part: NICHOLAS COPERNICUS Reverse. in the field: a block made from letters LOT, an inscription above: POLISH AIRLINES.
Józef Markiewicz, a sculptor from Warsaw A MODEL OF THE ANNIVERSARY MEDAL (THE 500TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE ASTRONOMER’S BIRTH) EMITTED BY THE POLISH AIRLINES „LOT” 1973, Warsaw The Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/N/795 Bronze; 197 x 198 mm Obverse:. In the centre: the Earth globe, in place of the Sun there is Copernicus’ head; an inscription in the upper and lower part: NICOLAUS COPERNICUS. Edward Łagowski, a sculptor and a medallist from Warsaw. THE ANNIVERSARY MEDAL (THE 500TH ANNIVERSARY OF COPERNICUS’ BIRTH) 1973, Warsaw The Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork , MF/N/ 413, 414 Bronze, diameter 69 mm Obverse:. In an undulating field one can see the appearing head and the hand of Copernicus, the hand covers the globe like a glimmer of a candle. Reverse: In an undulating field a four verse inscription: MIKOŁAJU/ KOPERNIK/ 1473/1973 Edward Łagowski, a sculptor and a medallist from Warsaw A MODEL OF THE ANNIVERSARY MEDAL (THE 500TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE ASTRONOMER’S BIRTH) 1973, Warsaw The Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork , MF/N/788, 789 Bronze, 240x140 mm Obverse:. In an undulating field one can see the appearing head and the hand of Copernicus, the hand covers the globe like a glimmer of a candle. Reverse: In an undulating field a four verse inscription MIKOŁAJ/ KOPERNIK/ 1473/1973
Józef Stasiński, a sculptor and a medallist from Warsaw A TWO-SIDED PLAQUE EMITTED IN THE JUBILEE YEAR (THE 500TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE ASTRONOMER’S BIRTH) 1973 , Warsaw The Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF N/774, 775 Bronze, 151x141 mm Obverse: The head of Nicholas Copernicus turned right, an inscription on the right side: NICOLAUS COPERNICUS x 1473 + 1543 Reverse: In the field: three columns of digits, close to the edges inscriptions: NICOLAI COPERNICI/ Canon Alcensiorum rectarum/ DE LATERIBUS ET TRIANGULORUM….LIBELLUS VITTENBERGAE 1542 Józef Stasinski, sculptor and a medallist from Warsaw A TWO-SIDED PLAQUE EMITTED IN THE JUBILEE YEAR (THE 500TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE ASTRONOMER’S BIRTH) 1973, Warsaw The Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/ N/776, 777. Bronze, 154 x 149 mm Obverse: The head Nicholas Copernicus turned to left, near to the left edge vertical inscription: NICOLAUS COPERNICUS x 1473 + 1543 Reverse: In the center horizontal inscription: MONETAE CUDENDAE RATIO 1520, below: a piece of “trojak” (ancient three-grosz coin) and small “grosz gdański”.
Józef Stasiński, sculptor and a medallist from Warsaw A TWO-SIDED PLAQUE EMITTED IN THE JUBILEE YEAR (THE 500TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE COPERNICUS’ BIRTH) 1973 , Warsaw The Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/N/772, 773 Bronze, 152x 146 mm Obverse: The head Nicolaus Copernicus, en trois quatre, an inscription: NICOLAUS COPERNICUS x 1473 + 1543 Reverse: Horoscope of Nicolaus Copernicus, below an inscription : COPERNICUS STUDIO: ASTRONOMIAE, MATHEMATICAE, MEDICINAE./ IURISPRUDENTIAE, RERUM PLITICARUM.......
Edward Gorol, sculptor and a medallist from Warsaw COMMEMORATIVE MEDAL ON MEETING OF THE WEST PRUSSIAN ESTATES, DURING WHICH DELEGATE COPERNICUS PRESENTED HIS TREATISE ON THE COINAGE. 1971 Grudziądz The Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/ N/234 Bronze 70 mm Obverse:: head of Copernicus; an inscription in the rim: NICOLAuS COPERNICUS . 1473.1543. Reverse: cover by 33 coins of Copernicus’ times, horizontal inscription: DE/ AESTIMATIO/ MONETAE; a legend in the rim: SEJMIK GENERALNY W GRUDZIĄDZU. 21.III.1522. Zbigniew Kaczor, a sculptor from Warsaw A TWO-SIDED PLAQUE EMITTED IN THE JUBILEE YEAR (THE 500TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE COPERNICUS’ BIRTH) 1973, Warsaw The Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/ N/786 Bronze, 96 x 96 mm Obverse: :Nicholas Copernicus en face showing a symbolic heliocentric system, below the inscription: MIKOŁAJ KO/ PER/ NIK Reverse: An inscription in square block : DE REVO/ LUTIONI/ BUS ORB/ IUM COE/ LESTIUM, above the dates 1473/ 1543/1973
Witold Marciniak, Torunian sculptor MEDAL ONE-SIDE WITH COPERNICUS’ IMAGE 1969 , Toruń The Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/ N/769 Bronze, diameter 160 mm Obverse: the head of Copernicusa en trois quatre; on the left the inscription : NICO/ LAUS/ COPE/ RNICUS.
Barbara Lis-Romanczuk, Olsztynian medallist MEDAL EMITTED IN COMMEMORATION OF 1000 YEARS OF POLAND ON INITIATIVE OF BISHOP’S CURIA IN OLSZTYN. 1966, Frombork The Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/ N/233 Bronze, diameter 86 mm Obverse: In the field a view of the Cathedral Hill in Frombork, below dates 966/1966; an inscription in the rim: SACRUM POLONIAE MILLENIUM FROMBORK. Reverse: In the field the bust of Nicholas Copernicus, an inscription in the rim: NICOLAUS COPERNICUS CANONICUS WARMIENSIS . 1473.1543.
Barbara Lis-Romanczuk, Olsztynian medallist MEDAL EMITTED ON THE OCCASION OF THE 500TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE COPERNICUS’ BIRTH ON INITIATIVE OF BISHOP’S CURIA IN OLSZTYN 1973 , Olsztyn The Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/ N/258 Bronze, diameter 85mm Obverse: In the field façade of the Frombork cathedral, below an inscription : KOŚCIÓŁ/ KATOLICKI/ W POLSCE/ W HOŁDZIE/ KOPERNIKOWI/ Reverse: In the field an inscription: NICOLAUS COPERNICUS/ KANONIK FROMBORSKI; above a quotation of De REVOLUTIONIBUS : ZAPRAWDĘ/ OGROMNE JEST/TO BOSKIE/ ARCYDZIEŁO/ ISTOTY NAJLEPSZEJ/ I NAJWIĘKSZEJ/;
Anna Jarnuszkiewicz, the Varsovian medallist MEDAL, REWARDED IN A COMPETITION FOR THE COPERNICAN MEDAL ORGANIZED BY THE THE POLISH ACADEMY OF SCIENCES 1970, Warsaw The Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/ N/408 Bronze, diameter 69 mm Obverse: The bust of Nicholas Copernicus , the hands hold the terrestrial globe and the moon; an inscription in the rim: NICOLAUS COPERNICUS. Reverse: In the centre an inscription: POLSKA AKADEMIA NAUK.
Anna Jarnuszkiewicz, the Varsovian medallist THE ANNIVERSARY MEDAL (THE 500TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE ASTRONOMER’S BIRTH) 1973 , Warsaw The Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork , MF/N/409, 410, 411, 412 Bronze, silvered bronze, gilded bronze, 69, 5 mm Obverse: In the field figure of sitting Copernicus with lily of valley, on the both sides inscription: NICOLAUS COPERNICUS Reverse: An inscription THOR/ PHLIEX/ COPERNICANA, below TORUŃ/ 1973.
Danuta Marciniak, the Torunian medallist. THE ANNIVERSARY MEDAL, ON THE OCCASION OF THE 500TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE GREAT ASTRONOMER’S BIRTH EMITTED BY NICOLAUS COPERNICUS UNIVERSITY IN TORUN. 1973, Torun The Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/ N/423, 424, 425 Bronze, diameter 70 mm Obverse: In the field the head Nicolaus Copernicus, an inscription in the rim: WIELKI JUBILEUSZ. 1473. 1973 Reverse: In the field an inscription: GENIALNEMU/ PATRONOWI/ W/ HOŁDZIE; in the double rim the inscription: REKTOR x SENAT x PRACOWNICY x STUDENC Ix UMK x 19 II x 1973 x TORUŃ.
Danuta Marciniak, the Varsovian medallist THE ANNIVERSARY MEDAL, ON THE OCCASION OF THE 500TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE GREAT ASTRONOMER’S BIRTH EMITTED BY NICOLAUS COPERNICUS UNIVERSITY IN TORUN. 1973, Toruń The Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/ N/426 Bronze, diameter 69,5 mm Obverse: :Nicolaus Copernicus, torso with lily of valley, as a background inscriptions: UNI/ WER/ SYTET/ MIKO/ ŁAJA/ KOPE/ RNI/ KA/ TORUŃ/ Reverse: representation of the heliocentricism, inscriptions: ZA/ ZAS/ ŁUGI POŁO/ ŻONE DLA ROZ/ WOJU UCZEL/ NI REKTOR/ I SENAT
Stanisława Wątróbska, Warsaw MEDAL EMITTED IN JĘDRZEJOW N. CRACOW ON THE OCCASION OF 25 TH YEAR OF RECONSTRUCTION OF COPERNICUS’ INSTRUMENTS. 1973 , Warsaw The Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/ N/438, 439 Bronze, diameter 49,7 mm Obverse: In the field traditional portrait of Nicholas Copernicus; an inscription in the rim: NICOLAUS COPERNICUS * 1473 * 1543 Reverse: In the field astronomical observatory in Jędrzejow, three Copernicus’ instruments; the inscription in the rim: DWUDZIESTOPIĘCIOLECIE REKONSTRUKCJI INSTRUMENTARIUM KOPERNIKA W JĘDRZEJOWIE.
Ewa Olszewska-Borys, the Varsovian medallist AN ONE-SIDE PLAQUE WITH NICOLAUS COPERNICUS’ IMAGE EMITTED IN THE JUBILEE YEAR (THE 500TH ANNIVERSARY OF ASTRONOMERS BIRTH) 1973, Warsaw The Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/ N/471 Bronze, 248 x 255 mm Obverse:: The bust of Nicholas Copernicus , the solar system; in upper part inscription : NICOLAO/ COPERN/ MCCCCLXXIII/ MCMLXXXIII/ W 500 ROCZ/NICĘ/ URODZIN.
Ewa Olszewska-Borys, the Varsovian medallist MEDAL EMITTED IN THE JUBILEE YEAR OF THE 510TH ANNIVERSARY OF ASTRONOMER’S BIRTH. 1983, Frombork The Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/ N/792, 793 Bronze, diameter 88 mm Obverse: the bust of Copernicus with lily of valley in his hand Reverse: façade of Frombork cathedral, on both sides inscr.: FROMBORK 1983, below in four lines: W 510 ROCZNICĘ URODZIN NICOLAUS COPERNICUS.
Ewa Olszewska-Borys, the Varsovian medallist MEDAL EMITTED BY THE MUSEUM OF NICOLAUS COPERNICUS IN FROMBORK, 1987, Frombork The Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/ N/1058, 1059 Brass, diameter 69 mm Obverse:: In the field Nicholas Copernicus’ torso, en trois quatre, an armillary sphere in the left hand. Reverse: A fragment of the Cathedral Hill fortifications in Frombork with the Copernicus’ tower and the western gate, below ins.: MUZEUM/ MIKOŁAJA/ KOPERNIKA / FROMBORK
Ewa Olszewska-Borys, the Varsovian medallist MODEL EMITTED BY THE NICOLAUS COPERNICUS MUSEUM IN FROMBORK, 1987, Frombork The Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/ N/ 1062 Bronze, diameter ……. mm Obverse: In the field Nicolaus Copernicus’ torso, en trois quatre, an armillary sphere in the left hand. Reverse: A fragment of the Cathedral Hill fortifications in Frombork with the Copernicus’ tower and the western gate, below ins.: MUZEUM/ MIKOŁAJA/ KOPERNIKA / FROMBORK
Ewa Olszewska-Borys, the Varsovian medallist MEDAL EMITTED BY THE NICOLAUS COPERNICUS MUSEUM IN FROMBORK, ON THE OCCASION OF OPENING DIVISION OF HISTORY OF MEDICINE IN THE HOLY GHOST HOSPITAL 1989, Frombork The Nicolaus Copernicus Museum. MF/ N/1173, 1174 Bronze, 195 x 205 mm Obverse: In the field Nicolaus Copernicus’ torso - en trois quatre; an inscription : MUZEUM/ MIKOŁAJA/ KOPERNIKA / WE/ FROMBORKU Reverse: the north-west view of the Holy Ghost Hospital, the inscription in 6 lines: OTWARCIE/ DZIAŁU/ HISTORII/ MEDYCYNY/ SZPITAL ŚW. DUCHA
Ryszard Wojciechowski, moulding Henryk Borys THE MEDALLION ONE-SIDE, PROJECT DONE IN THE JUBILEE YEAR (THE 500TH ANNIVERSARY OF COPERNICUS’ BIRTH) 1973 , moulding 1985 , Warsaw The Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/ N/974 Bronze, diameter 238 mm Obverse: In the centre sitting Copernicus; a legend in the rim: MIKOŁAJ. KOPERNIK 1473 - 1973 Ryszard Wojciechowski, moulding Henryk Borys THE ONE-SIDE MEDALLION, PROJECT DONE IN THE JUBILEE YEAR (THE 500TH ANNIVERSARY OF COPERNICUS’ BIRTH) 1973, moulding1985, Warsaw The Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/. N/975 Bronze, diameter 241 mm Obverse: the head of Nicolaus Copernicus, hands keep the sun, orbits of the planets in the background; the legend in the rim: MIKOŁAJ/ KOPERNIK/ 1473 - 1973
Ryszard Wojciechowski, moulding Henryk Borys THE ONE-SIDE MEDALLION, EMITTED IN THE JUBILEE YEAR (THE 500TH ANNIVERSARY OF COPERNICUS’ BIRTH) 1973, moulding1985, Warsaw The Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork , MF/N/974 Bronze, diameter 238 mm Obverse:: Nicolaus Copernicus’ torso, hands keep the heliocentric system, surrounded by the inscription: MIKOŁAJ KOPERNIK . 1473 . 1973
St. Ziemski THE ANNIVERSARY MEDAL (THE 500TH ANNIVERSARY OF COPERNICUS’ BIRTH) 1973 The Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/N/ 356 Bronze, diameter 28 mm Obverse: The head of Nicolaus Copernicus; the legend in the rim:: Copernicus + 1473 1543/1973 + MIKOŁAJ Reverse: the south view of the Cathedral Hill in Frombork an inscription in the rim: FROMBORK. POBYT EPOKOWE ODKRYCIA M. KOPERNIKA. 1473-1543. Works of arts in the collection of The Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork.
Maria Łoś NICOLAUS COPERNICUS 1953, Warsaw Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/GW/1 Woodcut; 21x14,9 cm Portrait of Copernicus (after a woodcut by Reusner).
Barbara Lis - Romańczuk NICOLAUS COPERNICUS 1973, Olsztyn Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/GW/32 Linocut; 50x60,5 cm Edition: 4/10. Cosmic improvisation with head of Copernicus.
Hieronim Skurpski COPERNICUS AS AN ADMINISTRATOR IN OLSZTYN 1952, Olsztyn Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/GW/10 Copperplate and dry-point; 16x13 cm Edition: 16/16. An illustration for the book: "Słońce" [The Sun] by G. Rewzin.
Janina Śpiewak - Stryjec COPERNICUS - COSMOS 1972, Gdańsk Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/GW/33 Etching and aquatint; 32x31,5 cm Edition: 3/50. Astronaut and head of Copernicus on a medallion.
Joanna Bogusławska NICOLAUS COPERNICUS 1971, Katowice Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/GW/54 Woodcut; 69x47 cm Edition: 6/50. Half-size portrait.
Ferdynand Szypuła BALLAD ABOUT NICOLAUS COPERNICUS 1971, Katowice Nicolaus Copernicus Museumi n Frombork, MF/GW/58 Color etching and aquatint; 49,2x37,3 cm Edition: 1/10. Cosmic improvisation with the figure of Copernicus.
Ferdynand Szypuła ABOUT THE ROUND OF HEAVENLY BODIES 1971, Katowice Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/GW/59 Color aquatint; 49x37 cm Cosmic improvisation with head of Copernicus.
Zygmunt Czyż THE SIGNS OF THE ZODIAC 1971, Rzeszów Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/GW/60 Color linocut; 78,7x45 cm Edition: 1/10. The signs of the zodiac and the silhouette of Copernicus.
Zygmunt Czyż HE STOPPED THE SUN AND MOVED THE EARTH 1971, Rzeszów Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/GW/61 Color linocut; 82x56 cm Edition: 6/10. Cosmic improvisation with the signs of the zodiac and a half-size figure of Copernicus.
Krystyna Górska THE SUNNY EPITAPH 1972, Sopot Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/GW/85 Etching and aquatint; 32,5x31,5 cm Artist's Proof: I/VI. Portrait of Copernicus, with a large sun in the background.
Krystyna Górska NICOLAUS COPERNICUS AND SAGES 1972, Sopot Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/GW/86 Etching and aquatint; 32x31,5 cm Artist's Proof: I/VI. Half-sun and a half-sphere with a half-size portrait of Copernicus, an improv. after S.Kauffmann. On the left-hand egde of the composition Copernicus after J. van Meurs, on the right-hand edge - Ptolomeus and Aristoteles.
Stanisław Rolicz NICOLAUS COPERNICUS 1971, Gdańsk Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/GW/87 Copperplate; 21,2 cm Edition: 13/100. Sepia print. Portrait. Diameter 212 mm.
Stanisław Żukowski NICOLAUS COPERNICUS 1973, Gdańsk Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/GW/88 Color mezzotint; 33x27 cm Artist's Proof: No. VI. Blueprint. Head of Copernicus.
Stanisław Żukowski NICOLAUS COPERNICUS 1973, Gdańsk Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/GW/89 Color mezzotint; 33x27,5 cm Artist's Proof: No. III. Blue print. A head of Copernicus.
Stanisław Żukowski NICOLAUS COPERNICUS 1973, Gdańsk Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/GW/90 Color mezzotint; 33x27 cm Artist's Proof. Head of Copernicus.
Zbigniew Janeczek NICOLAUS COPERNICUS 1983, Łódź Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/GW/108 Etching and aquatint; 8,9x6 cm Edition: 4/100. Ex-libris. Portrait with a Roman snail.
Jan Leśniak DE REVOLUTIONIBUS 1971, Warsaw Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/GW/121 Color lithography; 81x51,3 cm Edition:10/15. Head of Copernicus, silhouette, against a background with the of a medieval woodcut and the heliocentric system by Copernicus.
Unknown NICOLAUS COPERNICUS 1948, Poland Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/GW/138 Woodcut (end-grain); 15x10,5 cm Head of Copernicus.
Maria Wąsowska DE REVOLUTIONIBUS ORBIUM COELESTIUM 1971, Toruń Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/GW/139 Linocut; 68x47 cm Edition: 7/20. Hands holding a globe. Two pages of manuscript melt into the background - the earth and the sphere of heaven. The words: ORBI=/ um coelestium.
Andrzej Graczykowski SIGN FOR AN EXPOSITION OF WORK BY A. GRACZYKOWSKI 1987, Łódź Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/GW/146 Etching; 8,6x10,6 cm Ex-libris. Portrait of Copernicus after Reusner.
Zbigniew Janeczek SIGN FOR THE EXPOSITION COPERNICUS AS A PHYSICIAN 1987, Łódź Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/GW/147 Etching; 11,8x9 cm Ex-libris. Portrait of Copernicus. Mirror - image of woodcut by Reusner.
Stefan Rassalski COPERNICUS IN HIS STUDY 1956, Warsaw Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/GW/154 Woodcut; 36x27,7 cm Portrait of Copernicus against a background of astronomical motifs: instruments, a heliocentric system by Copernicus, and books.
Zbigniew Janeczek SIGN FOR THE MEDICAL HISTORY DEPT. IN FROMBORK 1990, Łódź Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/GW/160 Etching; 12,2x7,1 cm Ex-libris. Portrait of Copernicus.
Zbigniew Janeczek UNTITLED 1994, Łódź Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/GW/170 Color computer graphic; 13,2x10,5 cm Edition: 1/50. Heliocentric system by Copernicus against the background of a panorama of Frombork.
Zbigniew Janeczek UNTITLED 1994, Łódź Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/GW/171 Color computer graphic; 15x10 cm Edition: 41/50.Portrait of Copernicus after Reusner against a background of Gothic architectural motifs from the cathedral in Frombork.
Barbara Łada - Strasburger COPERNICUS Before 1956, Warsaw Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/GW/173 Etching; 8x5,8 cm The Copernicus monument in Warsaw.
Tadeusz Korpal NICOLAUS COPERNICUS Before 1977, Cracow Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/GW/174 Lithography; 42x57 cm Copernicus seated at a table - deep in thought. In the background a globe.
Zbigniew Janeczek UNTITLED 1996, Łódź Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/GW/176 Color computer graphic; 25x13,5 cm Edition:2/90. Gothic walls in Frombork and a sextant.
Zbigniew Janeczek COPERNICUS 1996, Łódź Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/GW/177 Color computer graphic; 20,5x13,5 cm Edition: 1/100.Portrait against the background of a cathedral wall.
Unknown NICOLAUS COPERNICUS Late 18th century, Unknown Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, Dep. 1/MNP=MO 835 oil on canvas; 103x74 cm Half-size portrait of Copernicus.
Unknown NICOLAUS COPERNICUS Late 18th century, Unknown Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/M/1 Oil on canvas; 95,5x77,5 cm Half-size portrait. A copy of the portrait from the National Museum in Poznań (Dep. 1).
Margaret Mayer NICOLAUS COPERNICUS 1925, Strasbourg Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/M/2 Oil on panel; 175x65 cm A copy after Tobias Stimmer (Strasbourg).
Jerzy Hoppen NICOLAUS COPERNICUS 1948, Toruń Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/M/3 Oil on panel; 50x40 cm A copy after a portrait (1573-1580) from the District Museum in Toruń.
Anna Szymborska NICOLAUS COPERNICUS IN FROMBORK OR A TALK WITH GOD 1948, Cracow Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/M/7 Oil on canvas; 232x322 cm A copy of the famous painting of Copernicus by Jan Matejko (1873, Cracow).
Jerzy Hoppen AN EPITAPH OF NICOLAUS COPERNICUS 1948, Toruń Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/M/8 Oil on panel; 81x57 cm A copy of an epitaph in St. John's Church in Toruń (1580).
Hieronim Skurpski COPERNICUS DEFENDING OLSZTYN 1960, Olsztyn Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/M/6 Oil on canvas; 27x36 cm Copernius and the garrison of the castle inside the castle walls.
Aleksander Dzwonkowski COPERNICUS IN TORUŃ 1955, Gdańsk Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/M/9 Oil on canvas; 115x86 cm Copernicus in his study. Half-size portrait.
Hieronim Skurpski COPERNICUS AS AN ADMINISTRATOR IN OLSZTYN Before 1963, Olsztyn Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/M/10 Oil on canvas; 100x130 cm Copernicus with peasants in the castle in Olsztyn.
Julian Dadlez COPERNICUS DEFENDING OLSZTYN 1958, Olsztyn Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/M/16 Oil on canvas; 189x250 cm Copernicus leading the defence on the castle walls.
Claude Torey LA COMPARAISON 1973, Frombork Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/M/43 Oil on canvas; 114x146 cm Copernicus in the pop-art convention.
Włodzimierz Szpinger ASTROLOGICAL INTERMEZZO 1976, Gdańsk Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/M/61 Oil on wood; 66x58 cm Triptych. A astrology studio with Copernicus and a monk.
Andrzej Nowacki DIPTYCH 1972, Bydgoszcz Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/M/62 Oil on canvas; 100x83 cm Monument to Copernicus, and the sun, and the shadow of the monument on the moon.
Sławomir Chudzik DIPTYCH: UNTITLED I 1972, Białystok Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/M/70 Oil on canvas; 168x87 cm The sky - the moon and the sun.
Sławomir Chudzik DIPTYCH: UNTITLED II 1972, Białystok Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/M/71 Oil on canvas; 168x87 cm Head of Copernicus against a vivid background.
Zbigniew Dębski COPERNICUS - COSMOS 1972, Warsaw Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/M/74 Oil on canvas; 100x100 cm Arcs superimposed on a portrait of Copernicus.
Barbara Jonscher COPERNICUS - COSMOS 1972, Warsaw Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/M/79 Oil on canvas; 120x80 cm Half-size portrait of Copernicus against a dark background.
Lech Okołów COSMIC FIGURE 1972, Warsaw Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/M/87 Acrylic on canvas; 155x106 cm Head of Copernicus' silhouette and a cosmic improvisation.
Marek Sapetto COPERNICUS - COSMOS 1972, Warsaw Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/M/90 Acrylic on canvas; 130x180 cm Half-size portrait of Copernicus, the heliocentric system, a rocket and the sun.
Ryszard Skupin COPERNICUS - COSMOS 1972, Poznań Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/M/92 Oil on canvas; 135x180 cm Cosmic improvisation (astronauts, a rocket, the Sun, the Moon and the head of Copernicus) against a dark blackground.
Ewa Kierska DE REVOLUTIONIBUS 1974, Cracow Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/M/94 Oil on canvas; 61x50 cm The book "De revolutionibus" on the grass.
Jan Świderski HOMAGE TO COPERNICUS 1972, Cracow Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/M/93 Oil on canvas; 157x59 cm Heliocentric system, a portrait of Copernicus and a fragment of the moon against a black background.
Maria Wąsowska FROMBORK, COPERNICUS' TOWN 1978, Frombork Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/M/130 Oil on canvas; 81,5x60 cm Panorama of Frombork and Copernicus floating in the sky, blessing the town.
Maria Romańska TRIPTYCH: DAY 1979, Frombork Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/M/135 Acrylic on canvas; 100x75 cm Silhouette of Copernicus against the background of the sky by day.
Maria Romańska TRIPTYCH: EVENING 1979, Frombork Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/M/136 Acrylic on canvas; 100x75 cm Silhouette of Copernicus against the background of the sky at evening.
Maria Romańska TRIPTYCH: NIGHT 1979, Frombork Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/M/137 Acrylic on canvas; 100x75 cm Silhouette of Copernicus against the background of the sky by night.
Eugeni Bugaew COPERNICUS 1979, Frombork Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/M/144 Oil on canvas; 110x80 cm Half-size portrait of Copernicus and the painter's table.
Tadeusz Kuduk XXX-1-79 1979, Frombork Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/M/145 Oil on canvas; 80x80 cm Silhouette of Copernicus against the background of a horoscope
Zdenek Hůla NOTE MADE BY NIGHT 1979, Frombork Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/M/146 Oil on canvas; 100x75 cm Imrovisation: the heliocentric system, a map and a manuscript by Copernicus.
Zbigniew Książkiewicz FROMBORK IMPRESSION III 1980, Frombork Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/M/151 Oil on canvas; 100x81 cm Portrait of Copernicus after Reussner, the symbol representing the heliocentric system, a flower, a pinc garment on the pieces of cardboard against the background of the sky.
Marzanna Wróblewska DIPTYCH: NICOLAUS COPERNICUS 1980, Warsaw Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/M/152 Oil on canvas; 80x80 cm Improvisation: the sky and Copernicus
Marzanna Wróblewska DIPTYCH: NICOLAUS COPERNICUS 1980, Warsaw Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/M/153 Oil on canvas; 80x80 cm Improvisation: The sky.
Jolanta Jakima - Zerek INSTRUMENTARIUM 1979, Frombork Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/M/160 Oil on canvas; 110x80 cm Astronomical instruments - an improvisation.
Pierre Leclercq NICOLAUS COPERNICUS 1980, Frombork Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/M/162 Oil on canvas; 62x50 cm Portrait.
Pierre Leclercq COPERNICUS AFTER MATEJKO 1980, Frombork Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/M/163 Oil on canvas; 82x60 cm Improvisation: Copernicus after the famous picture by Matejko, and a sunny sky.
Maria Romańska ASTROLABIUM 1980, Gdańsk Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/M/165 Oil on canvas; 60x60 cm Blue Persian astrolabium against a navy-blue background.
Tadeusz Błochowiak HE STOPPED THE SUN AND MOVED THE EARTH 1974, Inowrocław Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/M/168 Oil on canvas; 130x100 cm Copernicus standing on the Earth and stopping the Sun with his hand.
Henryk Borys COPERNICUS 1972, Warsaw Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/M/179 Stained glass; 41,5x31,5 cm Portrait.
Jacek Żuławski EPITAPH OF ATLAS 1972, Gdańsk Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/M/209 Oil on canvas; 105x130 cm Copernicus using his hand to stop Atlas carry the Earth.
Andrzej Krzemiński 16TH CENTURY - 20TH CENTURY 1978, Frombork Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/M/227 Acrylic on canvas; 75x94 cm Copernicus giving an outline of the heliocentric system to an astronaut holding a cob of Indian corn against a background of Frombork and the heavenly bodies.
Jan Lewdorowicz COPERNICUS 1981, Pasłęk Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/M/239 Oil on canvas; 60x50 cm Portrait of Copernicus with a badge "Sol" [Sun] / letters resembling those on the "Solidarity" logo/.
Ryszard Stryjec NICOLAUS COPERNICUS ca. 1970, Gdańsk Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/M/298 Oil on plywood; 60,8x47,5 cm Portrait against a brown background..
Barbara Hulanicka COPERNICUS IN FROMBORK 1964, Reszel Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/T/1 Two-ply fabric: Jute / flax; 280x160 cm Copernicus, the sun and Frombork.
Barbara Hulanicka COPERNICUS AND SUN 1974, Frombork Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/T/2 Gobelin: Wool / linen; 170x250 cm Copernicus and a sunset.
Barbara Hulanicka 500TH ANNIVERSARY 1973, Frombork Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/T/4 Two-ply fabric: Wool / linen; 236x155 cm Silhouette of Copernicus (as an old oak).
Maria Arletta Brito Goncalvez TO COPERNICUS ca. 1973, Poland Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/T/5 Own technique: Wool / wood / golden fiber; 130x100 cm Improvisation: the heliocentric system.
"ARTES" COPERNICUS IN THE EYES OF A CHILD 1971 -1972, Poland Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/T/6-76 Projects and tapestries; 0x0 cm Collection of 36 Gobelins after childrens drawings about Copernicus.
Halina Gajewska NICOLAUS COPERNICUS ca. 1972, Gdańsk Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/T/78 Own technique: Wool / linen /chenille; 112x83 cm Portrait.
Michalina Migacz NICOLAUS COPERNICUS ca. 1973, Inowrocław Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/T/86 Embroidery; 21,5x18,5 cm Portrait
Unknown NICOLAUS COPERNICUS 1857, Warsaw Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/Rz/1 Cast: cast iron; 39x13,6x19,8 cm Statuette of Copernicus after Thorwaldsen.
Teodor Rygier NICOLAUS COPERNICUS 1877, Florence Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/Rz/2 Terracotta; 67x55x35 cm A bust of Copernicus.
Unknown NICOLAUS COPERNICUS Early 19th c, Poland Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/Rz/22 Plaster; 61x33x30 cm Plaster bust of Copernicus.
Wojciech Święcki NICOLAUS COPERNICUS 19th c, Warsaw Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/Rz/26 Cast: bronze; 31x13x11,5 cm Statuette of Copernicus in Toruń (after Fr. Tieck).
Max Meckel MODEL OF THE COPERNICUS MONUMENT 1909, Germany Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/Rz/35 Plaster painted; 140x40x40 cm Model of the monument to Copernicus in Frombork (destroyed after 1945).
Julius Seitz NICOLAUS COPERNICUS 1909, Germany Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/Rz/36 Cast; 215x155x12 cm Bronze relief. Part of the monument to Copernicus in Frombork.
Jan Kucz NICOLAUS COPERNICUS 1971, Kraków Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/Rz/3 Plaster; 39x43x34 cm Plaster figure of Copernicus - model for a monument to Copernicus. (Entry in a competitition for a monument to Copernicus.)
Jan Kucz NICOLAUS COPERNICUS 1971, Cracow Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/Rz/5 Plaster; 74x92x85 cm Plaster head of Copernicus.
Jan Kucz NICOLAUS COPERNICUS 1971, Cracow Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/Rz/4 Plaster; 113x108x95 cm Plaster model for a monument to Copernicus.
Irena Molin-Sowa NICOLAUS COPERNICUS 1971, Warsaw Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/Rz/6 Plaster; 57x76x68 cm Plaster model for a monument to Copernicus.
Irena Molin-Sowa NICOLAUS COPERNICUS 1971, Warsaw Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/Rz/7 Plaster; 113x115x32 cm Plaster model for a monument to Copernicus.
Irena Molin-Sowa NICOLAUS COPERNICUS 1971, Cracow Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/Rz/8 Plaster; 103x105x27 cm Plaster head of Copernicus for a model for a monument.
Kazimierz Jęczmyk NICOLAUS COPERNICUS 1971, Cracow Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/Rz/9 Plaster; 93x95x83 cm Plaster model for a monument to Copernicus.
Kazimierz Jęczmyk NICOLAUS COPERNICUS 1971, Cracow Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/Rz/10 Plaster; 95x93x88 cm Plaster head of Copernicus for a monument.
Ryszard Wojciechowski NICOLAUS COPERNICUS 1971, Warsaw Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/Rz/11 Plaster; 55x61x61 cm Plaster model for a monument to Copernicus.
Ryszard Wojciechowski NICOLAUS COPERNICUS 1971, Warsaw Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/Rz/12 Plaster; 90x100x98 cm Head of Copernicus for a monument.
Józef Marek NICOLAUS COPERNICUS 1971, Cracow Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/Rz/13 Plaster; 125x45x37 cm Plaster model for a monument to Copernicus.
Józef Marek NICOLAUS COPERNICUS 1971, Cracow Plaster; 77x92x72 cm Plaster head of Copernicus for a monument.
Bronisław Chromy NICOLAUS COPERNICUS 1971, Cracow Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/Rz/15 Plaster; 29,5x24,5x22,5 cm Plaster model for a monument to Copernicus.
Bronisław Chromy NICOLAUS COPERNICUS 1971, Cracow Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/Rz/16 Plaster; 85x66x67 cm Plaster head of Copernicus for a monument.
Józef Janos NICOLAUS COPERNICUS 1971, Dębno Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/Rz/17 A wooden relief; 97x47x4 cm Copernicus - folk bas-relief on panel
Edward Haupt NICOLAUS COPERNICUS 1959, Poznan Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/Rz/18 Bronzed plaster; 86x30x26 cm Plaster figure of Copernicus.
Hieronim Skurpski NICOLAUS COPERNICUS 1952, Olsztyn Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/RW/1 Brash in brownish tones.; 22,5x16,5 cm Portrait.
Jan Marcin Szancer NICOLAUS COPERNICUS 1953, Warsaw Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/RW/24 - 38 Gouache; 42x31 cm 15 illustration of Copernicus' life.
Maria Hiszpańska-Neumann COPERNICUS AND RHETICUS 1953, Warsaw Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/RW/39 Gouache; 47,7x32,5 cm Two men talking in an astronomy studio.
Unknown COPERNICUS Early 20th century, Poland Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/M/300 Oil on wood; 34,5x27 cm Portrait. A copy after the portrait of Copernicus from the Observatory in Warsaw (perished in 1944).
Wojciech Fangor Copernicus 1948, Warsaw Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork, MF/ND/ 30 Oil on canvas; 200 x 100 cm Copernicus and the sky the moon, the sun, the stars. |