Scientific Inventory

Worldview Network - Scientific Inventory

Scientific Inventory is one of the results of the World View Network project. The National Technical Museum, Prague, was charged to prepare materials and worked out lists for each of partner institutions:
The basic assumption was to prepare a list of objects (physical ones) directly related to the scientific person of interest. It concerns the objects, which can be found in the public institutions - museums, galleries and libraries in each country. The main importance of the list is to present material accessible for study. Very important is also fact, that there would be recorded riches saved in the collections as a heritage of giants participating in the astronomical scientific revolution at 16th and 17th centuries.

The list itself ought to be understandable and clear. We have limited it to the basic identification of items, completed by photo in some cases. The descriptions of objects should be brief and should be done for the exceptional pieces, similarity and differences to compare with another. For the purpose of description, the objects were divided into:
  • Instruments
  • Writings
  • Works of Art
  • Miscellaneous and Modern models (copies and facsimiles)
The later group (copies and facsimiles) would be done for high quality of artistic works only.

This idea should have been prepared in each of all five countries. However it is obvious that the lists of the objects are different in each country and collections and therefore each partner worked in its own conditions. The complete list is a matter of scale and a critical view of each partner, who is responsible for his deal.

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