Foretops on the inner canonries

Former cathedral belfry - view from the courtyard

Copernicus' tower and former cathedral belfry

Eastern turret and the top of Frombork cathedral - view from the east

Archbishop's abode - view from the cathedral courtyard

View from the cathedral belfry

Cathedral Hill fortifications - view from the south-west

Western gate and Copernicus' tower

Frombork - view from the side of Vistula Bay

Frombork - view from the north-west

Frombork - view from the side of Vistula Bay

Frombork - view from the north-west

Powder turret with the foretops

Foretops on the roof of St. Anne's chapel - view from the Holy Ghost's hospital set

View on the Holy Ghost's hospital set with St. Anne's chapel from the south-east

Holy Ghost's hospital set

Holy Ghost's hospital seen from Stara street

Copernicus' tower