Muzeum Mikołaja Kopernika, 14-530 Frombork, ul. Katedralna 8

tel.:0 48 55 244 00 71; fax:0 48 55 244 00 72;

July - August 2010

Days of the week

Bishops' Palace


Copernicus' Tower

Hospital of the Holy Ghost




9.30am - 5pm










9.30am - 5pm


Full fare

5,00 zł

6,00 zł

5,00 zł

5,00 zł

Reduced fare

3,00 zł

3,00 zł

3,00 zł

3,00 zł

Opening hours of the main ticket office: 9 am - 4.20 pm
Information: tel. 0 48 55 244-00-75

September - December

Exhibition halls in the former Bishops' Palace
Permanent exhibitions:  1. Frombork in the monuments of material culture, 2. Frombork's stained glass windows 3. Nicolaus Copernicus - life and work, 4. Astronomy in navigation and geodesy

Temporary exhibitions: Patrimonium Warmiae Historicum et Artisticum.

Belfry - magnificent place for viewing the landscape (70 m above sea level).
The Foucault's Pendulum - the only instrument in Poland to observe the rotary motion of the earth. 

Copernicus' Tower (north-western).
Exhibition: 1. The study of Renaissance's scholar

Hospital of the Holy Ghost on Stara Street
Wall painting depicting the Last Judgement (beginning of the 15th century); baths stoves (15th century). 
Exhibitions:  1. Museum's purchases for the division of medicine history, 2. Varmian sculpture and painting of 17th and 18th century.

Planetarium is open every day (in the ground level of the belfry), tel. 0 48 55 244 00 83.
Permanent shows: 10.40am, 12.20pm, 2pm, 3.40pm,
additional shows for groups exceeding 30 people: 9.50am, 11.30am, 1.10pm, 2.50pm. 
Exhibition: Imported stones.
Shows are not held unless 10 ticket are sold. 
Fares: full 8.00 zł, reduced 5.00 zł.

1. Cathedral Hill
2. Hospital of the Holy Ghost
3. Water Tower
4. Tower of the Fisherman Guild
5. Church of Saint Nicolaus
6. Church of Saint Adalbert